I never had any friends(gee some things never change) so I never really got shunned.
Benjamin Belial
JoinedPosts by Benjamin Belial
Shunning someone is one of the worst things anybody can do, JW or not
by JH in.
i guess that being shunned doesn't affect everone equally.
i never did mind being shunned by jw's because i don't have any family or friends there, but being shunned by anyone you care for is cruel.. how did you cope with being shunned?.
"keep doing this in remembrance of me"
by totalee ini have re-posted this thread on the advice of another site member.
why is it ok to celebrate a wedding anniversary but not a birthday?
i can understand christmas, easter, halloween and valentines day but birthdays, thanksgiving, mother's day and father's day don't have religious or murderous origins.
Benjamin Belial
I still don't get it. Where in the Bible does it actually say "Only these people here should partake, the rest should watch?"
Benjamin Belial
Depends on what it's about. If it's just about someone in the cult, it could be a very Lifetime chick flick stupid movie. It could make a good drama though, if done right, if the right story was used and so on. But I don't know how easy it would be to fill an hour and a half and so on.
Was Jesus the Christ even at birth? - not according to the Watchtower
by hooberus inthe watchtower claims that jesus was not the christ at his birth but instead that he did not become the christ until the time of his baptism:.
"not at birth, but at thirty years of age jesus became christ .
" things in which it is impossible for god to lie p. 211. what does the bible say: .
Benjamin Belial
I guess what I'm driving at is that the WTS goes even further, implying that Jesus was not even the Logos at birth.
Of course, a quick search for the meaning of "logos" makes this impossible and illogical, as the Logos is the creative aspect of God which has its own personality.
A thing that bothers me about JW and Christmas
by zagor inis that they dont celebrate it but are quite happy to accept gifts or money given by many companies at the end of a year as christmas gift.
in fact, ive heard all sorts of excuses ranging from well thats our money that weve earned over the year anyway to well we shouldnt really offend anyone
it looks like as long as you are receiving money or gifts its okay.
Benjamin Belial
Fortunately I never had to deal with any of these tough issues, as my non-JW friends and family never really tried to give me anything anyway. Even now that I'm not a JW. I never really had any JW friends, they were all arrogant jerks.
Is Holy spirit Gods version of Dick Cheney
by darth frosty inokay i know i'm going to hell for this...and a great many other things, but check it.
gods the president executive chief.
jesus is the secretary of state spreading good will all around.
Benjamin Belial
You can't threaten me with Hell. We're already there.
Where is the root cause of all these problems?
by DavidChristopher inhas anyone figured out where the "cause" of all these problems lie yet?
i hear everyone saying how "bad" the jw's are, and how "bad" the government is.
well folks, it was meant to be this way.
Jesus death
by lime05 indid jehovah know that jesus was going to die before he sent him to earth or is that just the way events unfolded.
it sounds a bit mad sending your only begotten son to earth as a perfect baby knowing that later in life he would be nailed and toutured on a stake because jehovahs's principles of justice requires a soul for a soul
Benjamin Belial
That's like saying, if you knew your children were going to rebel against you, would you not have them? That's ridiculous.
Not even slightly ridiculous. I can't create my children in a perfect world devoid of suffering. God could have but chose not to.
Watchtower publications Quotes you'd like to share
by dannyboy inplease give examples of noteworthy quotations from publications of the watchtower society.
examples could include where they have contradicted themselves, have been inconsistent with logic, have been patronizing, or how what was written rocked you back.
think about quotes that would be helpful to a sincere witness or "newly interested" person in seeing the watchtower society for what it really is.
Benjamin Belial
I think I'll be saving that info if you don't mind...
My Sons Christmas Present
by Mystery inmy 16 year old son received a book from his grandfather "messy spirituality".
the back cover says "i guess i'm not a very good christian" i don't pray enough.
i don't read my bible enough.
Benjamin Belial
My soon-to-be ex wife's family are all Baptists, and I can say with great authority they're some of the looniest of the whole bunch. None of them seemed to know anything about the Bible, though that's probably not limited to Baptists. But in general their whole attitude was so sickening and frustrating I can't describe it. Actually, my time spent around them inspired me to write an article called "How to be a Southern Baptist." Maybe I'll post it here later. Anyway, perhaps I'm misunderstanding the situation, but I'm not sure that giving someone a book about faith is "questioning their spirituality."